
a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
In 2010 we started The Hootenany - leading into our 10th year of Hooting, including 5 years of fundraising for HMS music programs, we realized the need for managing annual funds raised, adding elements such as online and remote donations (as well as allowing for donations to be tax-deductible), and expanding opportunities to support local youth music & musicians in new, unique ways. So, in 2019, we formed RIVER CITY MUSIC & ARTS EDUCATION FOUNDATION - a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit.
Through the efforts of the HOOTENANY* we set out to raise $10,000 annually for Hastings Middle School Music Programs, as well as funding multiple Hastings High School scholarships: “The Hootenany Living Music Scholarships” - for graduates who plan to pursue music performance and/or education post-high school.
Thanks for supporting local youth music & education - this makes a real, direct difference in the lives of young musicians, as well as supports the community of Hastings and its local businesses, bands, musicians, and fans of live music! HOOT ON!
*Last SATURDAY in APRIL (4.29.23)

You can donate anytime online, via PayPal at TheHootenany.com or RCMAEFoundation.org
You can also donate on Facebook via RCMAE Foundation Facebook page. As a registered charity, you can even create your own fund raiser for The Hootenany via River City Music & Arts Foundation using Facebook! Doing good should be a celebration!
River City Music & Arts Education Foundation was founded by local educators & musicians in the Twin Cities and Hastings area - to support youth music & arts education, through fundraising organization, facilitation, and distribution - including for the annual Hootenany (traditionally last Sat. of April) and other Hoot events through-out the Hoot-year. Hoot on!
You can support the efforts of RCMAE Foundation & The HOOTENANY in many meaningful ways: first & foremost by attending HOOT events, enjoying yourself, and supporting the venues & musicians. You can donate directly at any of these Hoot events and/or donate online! As a musician, you can get involved with the annual downtown Hootenany!